
๐ŸŒ Buried Deep

A detailed write-up of the Web challenge 'Buried Deep' from ACECTF1.0 - 2025

Challenge Presentation

๐Ÿ“Š Challenge Overview

Category Details Additional Info
๐Ÿ† Event ACECTF - 2025 Event Link
๐Ÿ”ฐ Category Web ๐ŸŒ
๐Ÿ’Ž Points 100 Out of 500 total
โญ Difficulty ๐ŸŸข Easy Personal Rating: 1/10
๐Ÿ‘ค Author Unknown Profile
๐ŸŽฎ Solves (At the time of writeup writing) 89 solve rate
๐Ÿ“… Date 27-02-2025 ACECTF - 2025
๐Ÿฆพ Solved By mH4ck3r0n3 Team: QnQSec

๐Ÿ“ Challenge Information

“Iโ€™m not a hacker. Iโ€™m just someone who wants to make the world a little better. But the world isnโ€™t going to change itself.” Submit your answer in the following format: ACECTF{3x4mpl3_fl4g} The flag content should be in lowercase letters only.

๐ŸŽฏ Challenge Files & Infrastructure

Provided Files

Files: None

๐Ÿ” Initial Analysis

First Steps

Initially, the website appears as follows:

Site Presentation

Since I didn’t find anything by inspecting the page source, I decided to check the robots.txt:


Finding some routes. Instead of inspecting them one by one, I wrote a for loop in bash that uses curl:

bash -c 'for path in secret hidden cryptic forbidden private buried underground secret_path hidden_flag buried_flag encrypted; do
 curl -s -w "- %{http_code} - $path\n" "$path"

Curl Requests

By doing this, I extracted the text from each page. I noticed that some pages had strange text, like /buried and /secret_path, and I thought that buried might contain a part of the flag in decimal to be converted into ascii (since there are no hex characters), and secret_path seems pretty obvious that it might be in morse code. Let’s move on to the exploitation phase.

๐ŸŽฏ Solution Path

Exploitation Steps

Initial setup

The first thing I do is verify that /buried contains the first part of the flag converted to decimal. I do this with CyberChef by applying the From Decimal filter.

First Part

As we can see, the decoded text is indeed the first part of the flag. Let’s move on to the next phase.


For the second part of the flag, I used an online tool ( to decode from morse code to text.

Second Part

For the last part of the flag, the final curl request tells us, “Sometimes the answers are hidden in plain sight. Or, in this case, styled just right. ๐Ÿ–‹๏ธ๐Ÿ‘€”. Since “styled” is mentioned, I figured it might be in the css. Indeed, by inspecting the source of /, I found the CSS file, and inside it, I found #flag.


As we can see, it specifies (content: “bC5 !2CE @7 E96 u=28 :D i f9b0db4CbEd0cCb03FC`b5N”;), which looks quite strange. I then used ( to identify the cipher used.

Cipher Identifier

It turns out to be a ROT47, so I used CyberChef again with the ROT47 filter to decode it.

Third Part

Putting together the three parts, I obtained: ACECTF{1nf1l7r471ng_7h3_5y573m_15_345y_wh3n_y0u_kn0w_wh3R3_7h3_53cr3t5_4r3_bur13d}. However, there’s still one last step, which is to make it lowercase as mentioned in the challenge description. So, I used Python to do that.

python -c 'print("\nFLAG: " + "ACECTF"+"{1nf1l7r471ng_7h3_5y573m_15_345y_wh3n_y0u_kn0w_wh3R3_7h3_53cr3t5_4r3_bur13d}".lower())'

This gave me the final flag.

Flag capture

Manual Flag

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Exploitation Process


The automatic exploit takes the decimal text and converts it to ASCII, the Morse code and translates it to text, then takes the last part of the flag in ROT47, applies the decode, and finally forms the complete flag.

# Requirements
pip install morse-talk

๐Ÿšฉ Flag Capture


Proof of Execution

Automated Flag
Screenshot of successful exploitation

๐Ÿ”ง Tools Used

Tool Purpose
Python Exploit Cipher Indetifier
CyberChef Decoding
MorseCode Translator Decoding Morse Code

๐Ÿ’ก Key Learnings

Time Optimization

Always use for the cipher identifier.

Skills Improved

  • Binary Exploitation
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Web Exploitation
  • Cryptography
  • Forensics
  • Miscellaneous

๐Ÿ“š References & Resources

Learning Resources

๐Ÿ“Š Final Statistics

Metric Value Notes
Time to Solve 00:07 From start to flag
Global Ranking (At the time of writeup writing) 1/564 Challenge ranking
Points Earned 100 Team contribution

Created: 27-02-2025 โ€ข Last Modified: 27-02-2025 Author: mH4ck3r0n3 โ€ข Team: QnQSec