
🌐 Findme

A detailed write-up of the Web challenge 'Findme' from PicoCTF - 2023

Challenge Presentation

📊 Challenge Overview

Category Details Additional Info
🏆 Event picoGym Event Link
🔰 Category Web 🌐
💎 Points Out of 500 total
⭐ Difficulty 🟡 Medium Personal Rating: 1/10
👤 Author Geoffrey Njogu Profile
🎮 Solves (At the time of flag submission) 20.563 solve rate
📅 Date 10-02-2025 picoGym
🦾 Solved By mH4ck3r0n3 Team:

📝 Challenge Information

Help us test the form by submiting the username as test and password as test!

🎯 Challenge Files & Infrastructure

Provided Files

Files: None

🔍 Initial Analysis

First Steps

Initially, the website appears as follows:

Site Presentation

With a login screen. As suggested by the page description, I tried entering user=test and password=test, but I got the following screen:

Login Attempt

So I tried entering user=test and password=test!, as suggested by the screen, and managed to log in:


Inspecting the page, there was nothing, but looking at the url field in the browser at the moment of login, I noticed two redirects, so I decided to inspect the request. Let’s move on to exploitation.

🎯 Solution Path

Exploitation Steps

Initial setup

To analyze the request, I did not use BurpSuite since it was just two redirects. I enabled the Keep Log checkbox in the Network section of ChromeDevTools, which retains all request logs.


As we can see, by logging in again and inspecting the Network section, I managed to intercept the two redirects:

Flag Base64

From here, I noticed a parameter id containing a strange base64 string, so I decided to decode it:

echo cGljb0NURntwcm94aWVzX2Fs | base64 -d

First Piece

Finding the first part of the flag. Next, I decoded the second one:

echo bF90aGVfd2F5XzNkOWUzNjk3fQ== | base64 -d

Second Piece

Recovering the second part of the flag. I then concatenated them and decoded once more:

echo;echo cGljb0NURntwcm94aWVzX2FsbF90aGVfd2F5XzNkOWUzNjk3fQ== | base64 -d

Printing the full flag.

Flag capture

Manual Flag

🛠️ Exploitation Process


The automatic exploit performs the login request and extracts the redirect link from the header, obtaining the first part of the flag. Then, it makes a GET request to the URL formed by site URL + redirect URL from the header, extracts the second URL containing the second part of the flag using a regex, decodes it from base64, and prints it.

🚩 Flag Capture


Proof of Execution

Automated Flag
Screenshot of successful exploitation

🔧 Tools Used

Tool Purpose
Python Exploit
ChromeDevTools Web Testing

💡 Key Learnings

Skills Improved

  • Binary Exploitation
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Web Exploitation
  • Cryptography
  • Forensics
  • Miscellaneous

📊 Final Statistics

Metric Value Notes
Time to Solve 00:03 From start to flag
Global Ranking (At the time of flag submission) Challenge ranking
Points Earned Team contribution

Created: 10-02-2025 • Last Modified: 10-02-2025 *Author: mH4ck3r0n3 • Team: *